Register Dispatch

e.g. {{YourSetwebhookUrl}}/register

Webhook called during registration of the delivery system in Deliverect. For instance, when a new customer enables a delivery system for a location, you will receive the register event. After this event, it should be possible to validate, create, update and cancel delivery jobs.

Webhook payload contains information such as:

  • Deliverect account ID (accountId)
  • Customer reference from the delivery system (externalReference)

We always expect a JSON result which contains the endpoints to:

  • Validate delivery job URL(validateUrl)
  • Create delivery job URL(createUrl)
  • Cancel delivery job URL(cancelUrl)

If an endpoint is empty or not included in this response, we will not use it.

    "accountId": "606***9fcd8edd****475a3",
    "externalReference": "externalCustomerIdentifier"
    "validateUrl": "",
    "createUrl": "",
    "cancelUrl": ""