Dispatch - Error Codes

Error TagMeaningInteger Value
UNKNOWNUnknown error occurred.0
INTERNAL ERRORInternal error occurred.5
PACKAGE SIZE TOO LARGEPackage is too big to be delivered.10
INVALID PACKAGE SIZEProvided package size is invalid.15
NO DRIVERS AVAILABLENo drivers available.20
INVALID DELIVERY DATAProvided data is not valid.25
OUTSIDE DELIVERY AREAPickup or drop off location is outside delivery zone.30
TOO MANY PACKAGESToo many packages within a delivery job.40
DELIVERY ADDRESS NOT RECOGNIZEDDelivery address is not recognized.50
PICKUP ADDRESS NOT RECOGNIZEDPickup address is not recognized.60
UNKNOWN DELIVERY JOBJob with provided ID not found of doesn't exist.70
CONTACT DATA INVALIDInvalid contact person data.80
INVALID COORDINATESProvided coordinates is not valid.90
TIME NOT ALLOWEDPickup or delivery time is not allowed.100
PAYMENT DECLINEDPayment declined.110
DUPLICATE JOBDelivery job already exists.120
CANNOT TRAVEL TO DELIVERYDrop off locations is not reachable.130
CANNOT CANCELCancel is not possible.140
DATE FORMAT ERRORInvalid date format.150
CONFIGURATION ERRORDelivery system settings misconfigured160
PARTNER_UNAVAILABLECommunication with partner not established170