UNKNOWN | Unknown error occurred. | 0 |
INTERNAL ERROR | Internal error occurred. | 5 |
PACKAGE SIZE TOO LARGE | Package is too big to be delivered. | 10 |
INVALID PACKAGE SIZE | Provided package size is invalid. | 15 |
NO DRIVERS AVAILABLE | No drivers available. | 20 |
INVALID DELIVERY DATA | Provided data is not valid. | 25 |
OUTSIDE DELIVERY AREA | Pickup or drop off location is outside delivery zone. | 30 |
TOO MANY PACKAGES | Too many packages within a delivery job. | 40 |
DELIVERY ADDRESS NOT RECOGNIZED | Delivery address is not recognized. | 50 |
PICKUP ADDRESS NOT RECOGNIZED | Pickup address is not recognized. | 60 |
UNKNOWN DELIVERY JOB | Job with provided ID not found of doesn't exist. | 70 |
CONTACT DATA INVALID | Invalid contact person data. | 80 |
INVALID COORDINATES | Provided coordinates is not valid. | 90 |
TIME NOT ALLOWED | Pickup or delivery time is not allowed. | 100 |
PAYMENT DECLINED | Payment declined. | 110 |
DUPLICATE JOB | Delivery job already exists. | 120 |
CANNOT TRAVEL TO DELIVERY | Drop off locations is not reachable. | 130 |
CANNOT CANCEL | Cancel is not possible. | 140 |
DATE FORMAT ERROR | Invalid date format. | 150 |
CONFIGURATION ERROR | Delivery system settings misconfigured | 160 |
PARTNER_UNAVAILABLE | Communication with partner not established | 170 |