Order Statuses
New | Received at the on-premise POS and receipt is created | 10 |
Accepted | Accepted is a confirmation the order is in the POS workflow | 20 |
Printed | Ticket of order is printed | 40 |
Preparing | In preparation | 50 |
Prepared | Is prepared | 60 |
Pickup Ready | Informing the order is completed and ready | 70 |
Finalized | An order is fully handled and no further POS status updates are coming. This doesn't necessarily mean an order was delivered to the end customer. | 90 |
Auto_Finalized | Order has been accepted by the POS, but no further status updates are supported (not advised as can cause delivery complications) | 95 |
Canceled | has been voided on POS | 110 |
Failed | Order has not been successful for any number of reasons | 120 |
Delivery Created | The Delivery partner do not have a courier for the job | 76 |
Delivery Created | The Delivery partner has confirmed the acceptance of the delivery job | 81 |
En Route to Pickup | Courier approaching the pickup location | 83 |
Arrived at Pickup | Courier has arrived at the pick up location | 85 |
En Route To Dropoff | Courier approaching the drop off location | 87 |
Arrived At Drop Off | Courier has arrived at the drop off location | 89 |
Delivered | Courier has delivered the order | 90 |
Delivery Canceled | Courier has canceled the Delivery | 115 |
Cancel | This status is applied by online channels when an order should be voided on the POS | 100 |
Parsed | Set by Deliverect once received from the Channel | 1 |
Received by POS | Set by Deliverect after successfully sent to POS Order Webhook | 2 |
Sent to DMA | Order is sent to the Delivery Manager App | 3 |
Before_Parsed | Applies before parsed order is sent to the POS | 4 |
Receipt_Not_Found | When the order was accepted but we cannot find a receipt yet, we will keep retrying this | 5 |
Received by DMA | Order injected into the Delivery Manager App | 6 |
Printed by DMA | Order printed in the Deliverect App | 7 |
Scheduled | Order has been received in Deliverect and is 'buffered', awaiting POS injection based on 'average preparation time' and 'pickup time' | 25 |
Duplicate | Order has been received multiple times on the POS due to a technical error | 30 |
Denied | Order is denied immediately via Delivery Manager App (DMA) i.e. the restaurant deliberately did not accept the order | 35 |
Unknown | This would show only where order delivery hasn't been yet confirmed | 72 |
POS Failed | Not received by POS | 121 |
Retry Failed | Order insert retry failed | 122 |
Manual Retry | Manually retried order which has failed | 123 |
Parse Failed | Order parsing by Deliverect failed | 124 |
Order ignored | Order ignored | 125 |
Cancel Failed | POS did not accept cancellation | 126 |
Resolved | User has acknowledged a failed order on the Delivery Manager App | 129 |