Set 'visible' status per channel


In synchronising POS products via the 'Insert Product' endpoint, an item can be set with a disabled state via "visible": false . This by default would result in the product being disabled for all channels in a location.

We do now have an option to apply a visible status by 'Channel' by applying an override.


The below snippet is an example of how you can specify a visible status override at a channel level via the 'Insert Product' endpoint.

The nested structure for "channelOverrides" specifies firstly the channel by it's global ID e.g Uber is 7 and Doordash is 12 followed by the visible boolean (see GET Integrated channels)

The result would be that products, modifiers, modifier groups or bundles can be available on specified channels only (any channel not specified will follow default to be "visible": true)

    "name": "Buffalo Cauliflower Wings",
    "description": "Spicy, crispy baked buffalo cauliflower wings",
    "price": 819,
    "plu": "I:105001",
    "channelOverrides": {
        "7": {
            "visible": false
        "12": {
            "visible": true