Tax Exclusive Orders

Only applicable for orders sent from aggregators in the US/Canada

If a store operates in a region such as the United States, where prices are set without tax included i.e tax exclusive your channel should process orders with tax calculations made within a separate "taxes" array. See the format shown in the 'Tax Exclusive Delivery Order' example on the right hand side.

You must ensure the following when sending tax exclusive orders;

  • Each item "price" must be sent without tax included

  • The total payment "amount" must include calculated taxes

  • The "taxes" array must be sent detailing the tax amount applied as an integer with 2 decimal digits (It is optional to specify these per tax class e.g. GST, HST etc)

  • Both deliveryCost and serviceCharge must be sent without tax included

  • Both "deliveryCostTax" and "serviceChargeTax" should not be included in the "taxes" array and be sent separately.

taxClassIdthe ID corresponding to this tax class as used by Deliverect
namethe display name for this category of taxes, which is how it should be printed on a receipt
totalthe sum of all tax amounts for this category


A note on taxClassIds

We have yet to formalize tax class IDs. In the future, expect menu push requests to include which tax classes (by ID) should be applied to which product(s). For now, we will not use the provided value sent by your channel API.

Testing with Tax Exclusive Accounts

You can check this by going to the Locations page and clicking on the Edit button for the location. Next, activate the Show More toggle. The Tax Exclusive option will be displayed. If it isn't enabled, you can now do so.