Translatable Elements and Language Codes

The translatable elements of the menu are shown in the table below;

Menu TitlemenuTranslations
Menu DescriptiondescriptionTranslations
Category NamenameTranslations
Category DescriptiondescriptionTranslations
Product NamenameTranslations
Product DescriptiondescriptionTranslations

Below are samples of how these translations will show in a menu payload;

    "nameTranslations": {
        "es": "Deliciosos Bistecs Fritos",
        "fr": "Steak Frites Delicieux",
        "nl": "Heerlijke Biefstuk Frites"
    "menuTranslations": {
        "es-mx": "menú de muestra",
        "fr": "Exemple de Menu"
    "descriptionTranslations": {
        "es": "Deliciosos Bistecs Fritos",
        "fr": "Steak Frites Délicieux",
        "nl": "Heerlijke Biefstuk Frites",
        "ar": "شريحة لحم فريتس",
        "el": "Νοστιμη χοιρινή παντσέτα με πατάτες"

See the full list of translation codes via the link below;

▶ Language Codes