Ask a Question
hi i am registering my pos with this example
after putting my pos url in Register POS URL field submitted register button, it shows
hi i am trying to place order using api but it returns insufficient_permissions.
Menu Create
hi, i want to create a product with add ons, Ex : Pizza with options like Extra Cheese, Extra Onion etc, how can i create that ?
Deliverect Api
Hi, I am using testing account, i have 2 testing location which provided by deliverect. we are trying to fetch location and its channel with account id but we are not getting data while calling apis for locations and and channel.
Order note
Hello team,
Retrive all orders
Hi we are not a POS system and are interested in retrieving all orders from the previous day.
Is there a way to call the api an retrieve all orders in a date range
Sync Products (GET) Webhook can not get the parameter "previewSync" when click the button "Sync preview"
Hi ,We implement the Sync Products (GET) Webhook URL ,follow the documentation ,
Snooze addons
can we make snooze requests for add-ons like items?!
Request Deliverect to pass Channel name on order to accomodate everyone who integrated POS with
Hello Deliverect team,
How do I correct a product ID that is causing order errors?
Since the beginning of 2023, we have had orders that are in error with two reasons. The first seems to be from product error ID 2499031 and I can't seem to remove it from my platforms. The second problem is the non-existent delivery address. Please help me to solve these 2 problems!