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How to implement the Register POS Webhook URL?

I have read the following guide on how to implement the Register POS Webhook URL but Im a little confused about the following paragraph


i want testing credentials for locations.

i want testing credentials for locations.


Integration with API

I have POS system which is developed on Angular and have an API that wants to integrate with your API to get the data from different channels. can you please let me know how can I configure it in steps


some questions about POS Api

What do you mean by account? and related accounts?


API to access my orders

Please, I need to access my Deliverect account by connecting to your API and list all orders for internal reports and save it periodically automatically. Is it possible to do that?, Thanks for your answer.


Eat in (order from table) flow



The letters of СHUZEAT (Channel 10159) not all in ASCII code

After I save the result from Get Channel List API into my database, I find that the letter C in СHUZEAT is (A7 B3), Not a ASCII Code (43). It looks the same in the Textbox. But when I select data from database with order by name, this channel is always the last one.


How to decipher productType field in POS order webhook

There is a field items.productType in the (Glossary - POS Orders)[] documentation page, which has a link to the list of possible values and their meaning, but the link is broken.


How can I sign the API agreement so i can receive my Client_ID and Client_Secret?

How can I sign the API agreement so i can receive my Client_ID and Client_Secret?