Ask a Question
I want to know that is there any way on dashboard to get the menu Id on the Deliverect Dashboard. Right now I am getting the menu from the Menu Push Web hook. Is there anyway I can get the menu Id from Deliverect Dashboard.
Problem Sending Create Order Request
Hi. We are using the create order endpoint under channel api to send an order to a restaurant. We are using php and have tried curl and guzzle with no luck. The post request works when we enter a hard coded string of our order data, but does not when we use a variable, or pull the string from a text file. We are using the api explorer on the website as a template for our request.
Problem with validation menu.
Hi, we got an error with validation menu as follows "products having themselves as modifiers". With the error message "p_205 - p_205_o_list_1 - p_205_o_39 - p_205_o_39_t_list - p_205_t_63,...." but we cannot see that products having themselves as modifiers. How we can fix this?
Problem with menu preview.
Hi, we have a problem with preview menu it does not looks the same as on the edit page.
We cannot see nested options on the preview. On the edit page everything looks good. Can you help us? Is there a way to share images with a problem?
Payment Method Card at Home
Trackin Link to Channel on Dispatch
Max payload for update menu.
Hi, what is the max payload size for update menu?
Purpose of the register webhook
I understand that the register POS webhook is supposed to return urls to the other endpoints, but is that the only purpose? Is there any action that needs to be taken on our side, such as doing something with the provided accountId and locationId? What are these provided for?
Is it possible to get products from a specific location?
Hi, is it possible to add a locationId param on api to fetch all the products created on a location?
Query which Channels are integrated with a location
Is it possible to query all the channels that are integrated with a specific location?