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Get receipt

I see the POS certification form we have received refer to get receipt, but I can not see this documented in the API. I presume this must be a webhook for our system?


Failed order response

Would you please provide me the failed status get on create order API response?




How to get the API agreement with Deliverect



Order Statuses

Hey! Wanted to confirm the following Order status flow for a system. Please validate if there might be any issues.
Order Received from Deliverect -> ACCEPTED -> PREPARING -> PREPARED -> READY FOR PICKUP -> IN-DELIVERY -> FINALIZED(After this status, the system doesn't make any changes to the order, hence it is closed).


Sample JSON file for Menu push

When pushing the menu to deliverect there are two ways. First one creating from scratch second on uploading a JSON file. I couldn't find the structure of JSON. Can you please give me that?


What's the difference between Generic channel and integration channel link ?

I've doubts about the difference between generic channel and integration channel links. I'm confused about how can I find the channel name exactly. I tried


the docs for snoozing/unsnoozing items do not match reality

There is property named "allSnoozedItems" that, according to the examples in the docs, is supposed to be in the request body at the following path "operations[].data.allSnoozedItems", but when testing I receive it at a slightly different path "operations[].allSnoozedItems".


Combination of Max and MultiMax on modifiergroups

If Max and MultiMax on a modifyergroup are not identical, how should this be interpreted?
If we have a modifiergroup "Pizza toppings" with the following modifiers: