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I am trying to create an Order and i Get this error on the POS "'str' object has no attribute 'get'"

'str' object has no attribute 'get', it works on postman though


Push menu has no records and results

The push menu prompts that it has been added to the queue, but the operation records and results are not consistent.


How to configure regular products (productType 1) inside modifier groups (productType 3) via portal?



Review and ratings data via programatically

We are interested in improving business insights by having more consistent and frequently updated reporting on reviews and ratings information from delivery networks.
As businesses begin to scale, manually exporting csv's from these networks would no longer be efficient.
Does Deliverect offer any of this data via it's API or webhooks for the delivery networks connected, if so, what types of information can be accessed by integrating with Deliverect?


Get the Price Level for a product when receiving an Order Notification



Integration with Odoo

Can you please give us API sandbox testing environment for odoo ERP integration.


Api Integrationen

Hello I have to integrate zomato and swiggy and ubereats in my post with api how to do it please tell me step by step and I have to do it by deliverect


add variant product

I have seen the example for add variant product in no.6


Insert/update products

I'm trying to add a variant product with the variations at once, so i want it to appear inside the variant product using the Insert/update products api.. Could you please show me an example how to structure it ?


Register POS Url

Is register POS Url ("") is mandatory to use ip static or if there is another way to use it as localhost for testing.