Glossary - Product Insert
ⓘ Required Data
Please note that all the fields marked with ( * ) are required.
Please note that all the fields marked with ( * ) are required.
Parameters | Meaning | Type |
accountId * | The customer account ID in Deliverect | string |
locationId * | The specific customer's location ID in Deliverect | string |
products | ||
products.productType * | Specifies the product type being inserted. See section here for productTypes. | integer |
products.plu * | Unique identifier for a product. It comes from the POS. | string |
products. gtin | GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) for product, which could be EAN code NB: We are not validating these as yet | array of strings |
products.price * | Defined by a an int with 2 decimal digits. i.e. 5 euros is stored as 500. | integer | * | Name for the product | string |
products.nameTranslations | Object containing name translations. See guide here for more information. | Object |
products.kitchenName | An optional additional name for the product that will be sent through with the order | string |
products. visible | This specifies if the item is enabled or disabled within a location | boolean |
products.channelOverrides | The channelOverrides allows the visible flag to apply differently per channel (see guide here)Each key represents the ID of a channel (obtained via GET Integrated Channels) For example "7" channel ID for Uber Eat is marked as "visible": false where "12" for DoorDash is marked as "visible": true | object |
products.posProductId | Internal reference ID for the product coming from the POS. Optional use. | string |
products.posCategoryIds * | Products should belong at least to one category defined by an array of posCategoryIds. It's important to have at least one category per product. | array of strings |
products.imageUrl | Cloud hosted image URL. See section here for more details | string |
products.description | Product description | string |
products.descriptionTranslations | Object containing the translations for the descriptions. See guide here for more details. | object |
products.deliveryTax * | Tax rate for delivery order, int with 3 decimal digits.See section here for more details. | integer |
products.takeawayTax * | Tax rate for pickup order, int with 3 decimal digits. See section here for more details. | integer |
products.eatInTax * | Tax rate for pickup order, int with 3 decimal digits. See section here for more details. | integer |
products.multiMax | Defines how many times can the same modifier be chosen. | integer |
products.min * | Minimum quantity for a modifier. | integer |
products.max * | Maximum quantity for a modifier. | integer |
products.maxFree | Specifies how many sub products can be ordered at zero value, normal pricing applying after set limit | integer |
products.defaultQuantity | Specify a default quantity where '1' is equivalent to a 'pre-selected' item (compatible with only a few channels) | integer |
products.isCombo | Indicates product is a combo. | boolean |
products.isVariant | Indicates a product is a variant. See section here for more details. | boolean |
products.isVariantGroup | Indicates the group contains variants. See section here for more details. | boolean |
products.priceLevels | Object containing the posIds specified on the priceLevels array and their corresponding price."priceLevels": { "UE": 900, "DL": 850, "TA": 825 } | object |
products.subProducts | A product can contain additional options (see full guide here) | array of strings |
autoApply | ||
autoApply.plu | A predefined set of zero-priced items applied to an order by Deliverect. See section here for more details. | string |
sortOrder | Defines the order in which an item will appear when auto-applied. See section here for more details. | integer |
overloads | Specifies price variances from 'base' price dependant on where option is offered | |
overloads.scopes | Define surcharges applied to the specific modifier group or bundle. See section here for more details. | string |
overloads.price | Determines the price for the overload. See section here for more details. | integer |
overloads.bundlePrice | Determines the price for the overload when the grouping is a bundle. See section here for more details. | integer |
beverageInfo | ||
beverageInfo.caffeine | Caffeine content (in mg) | integer |
beverageInfo.alcohol | Alcohol content (in % ) | integer |
nutritionalInfo.netQuantity.amount | value of the quantity amount | integer |
nutritionalInfo.netQuantity.countUnitDescription | the unit of the quantity amount | string |
nutritionalInfo.servingSize.amount | the serving size amount | integer |
nutritionalInfo.servingSize.unitType | the unit of the serving size amount | integer |
nutritionalInfo.servingSize.countUnitDescription | the serving size unit | string |
nutritionalInfo"fat" "saturatedFat" "monoUnsaturatedFat" "polyUnsaturatedFat" "transFat" "carbohydrates" "sugar" "addedSugar" "fiber" "starch" "polyols" "protein" "cholesterol" "sodium" "salt" "calcium" "chloride" "fluoride" "magnesium" "potassium" "vitaminC" | The unit of the values is gram. All values listed explained in this section here in more detail. | integer |
calories | kcal / Cals | integer |
caloriesRangeHigh | Where a range of calories applies to a variable option e.g. a 'Sandwich Deal' where selections are required. To apply this, the format would be; • Minimum = calories • Maximum = caloriesRangeHigh | integer |
packaging.reusable | Whether packaging is reusable | boolean |
packaging.storageInstructions | How to store an item | string |
packaging.count | integer | |
supplementalInfo.instructionsForUse | Instructions for the use e.g. "Cool before drink." See section here for more information. | string |
supplementalInfo.ingredients | e.g. "Water" | array of strings | | Food business operator name | string |
supplementalInfo.fbo.address | Food business operator address | string |
supplementalInfo.fbo.brand | Food business operator brand name | string |
supplementalInfo.fbo.countryOfOrigin | Food business operator country of origin | string |
supplementalInfo.legalName | The legal name of the product | string |
supplementalInfo.additives | e.g. ["Artificial Food Coloring", "PRESERVATIVES_NITRATE"] | array of enums as strings |
supplementalInfo.prepackaged | Indicates if the item is prepackaged. | boolean |
supplementalInfo.deposit | Value of the deposit if applicable. | integer |
productTags | e.g.108 = mustard (see guide here) | array of integer |
bottleDepositPrice | Certain regions require deposits to apply for purchases of bottled drinks (see guide here) | integer |
categories | || * | Name for the category. | string |
categories.posCategoryId * | Id assigned for the category. | string |
categories.imageUrl | Image for the category | string |
priceLevels | See section here for more information. This is mandatory when using Price Levels, otherwise, the Price Level will not work. | array of objects | | Name for the priceLevel | string |
priceLevels.posId | Id for the priceLevel. Value used inside the array products. priceLevels | string |