Glossary - Product Insert

ⓘ Required Data
Please note that all the fields marked with ( * ) are required.

accountId * The customer account ID in Deliverect string
locationId * The specific customer's location ID in Deliverect string
products.productType * Specifies the product type being inserted. See section here for productTypes. integer
products.plu * Unique identifier for a product. It comes from the POS. string
products. gtinGTIN (Global Trade Item Number) for product, which could be EAN code
NB: We are not validating these as yet
array of strings
products.price * Defined by a an int with 2 decimal digits.
i.e. 5 euros is stored as 500.
integer * Name for the productstring
products.nameTranslationsObject containing name translations. See guide here for more information.Object
products.kitchenNameAn optional additional name for the product that will be sent through with the orderstring
products. visibleThis specifies if the item is enabled or disabled within a locationboolean
products.channelOverridesThe channelOverrides allows the visible flag to apply differently per channel (see guide here)

Each key represents the ID of a channel (obtained via GET Integrated Channels) For example "7" channel ID for Uber Eat is marked as "visible": falsewhere "12"for DoorDash is marked as "visible": true
products.posProductIdInternal reference ID for the product coming from the POS. Optional use.string
products.posCategoryIds * Products should belong at least to one category defined by an array of posCategoryIds. It's important to have at least one category per product.array of strings
products.imageUrlCloud hosted image URL. See section here for more detailsstring
products.descriptionProduct descriptionstring
products.descriptionTranslationsObject containing the translations for the descriptions. See guide here for more details.object
products.deliveryTax * Tax rate for delivery order,
int with 3 decimal digits.See section here for more details.
products.takeawayTax * Tax rate for pickup order, int with 3 decimal digits.
See section here for more details.
products.eatInTax * Tax rate for pickup order, int with 3 decimal digits.
See section here for more details.
products.multiMaxDefines how many times can the same modifier be chosen.integer
products.min * Minimum quantity for a modifier.integer
products.max * Maximum quantity for a modifier.integer
products.maxFreeSpecifies how many sub products can be ordered at zero value, normal pricing applying after set limitinteger
products.defaultQuantitySpecify a default quantity where '1' is equivalent to a 'pre-selected' item (compatible with only a few channels)integer
products.isComboIndicates product is a combo.boolean
products.isVariantIndicates a product is a variant.
See section here for more details.
products.isVariantGroupIndicates the group contains variants.
See section here for more details.
products.priceLevelsObject containing the posIds specified on the priceLevels array and their corresponding price.

"priceLevels": { "UE": 900, "DL": 850, "TA": 825 }
products.subProductsA product can contain additional options (see full guide here)array of strings
autoApply.pluA predefined set of zero-priced items applied to an order by Deliverect. See section here for more details.string
sortOrderDefines the order in which an item will appear when auto-applied. See section here for more details.integer
overloadsSpecifies price variances from 'base' price dependant on where option is offered
overloads.scopesDefine surcharges applied to the specific modifier group or bundle. See section here for more details. string
overloads.priceDetermines the price for the overload.
See section here for more details.
overloads.bundlePriceDetermines the price for the overload when the grouping is a bundle.
See section here for more details.
beverageInfo.caffeineCaffeine content (in mg)integer
beverageInfo.alcoholAlcohol content (in % )integer
nutritionalInfo.netQuantity.amountvalue of the quantity amountinteger
nutritionalInfo.netQuantity.countUnitDescriptionthe unit of the quantity amountstring
nutritionalInfo.servingSize.amountthe serving size amountinteger
nutritionalInfo.servingSize.unitTypethe unit of the serving size amountinteger
nutritionalInfo.servingSize.countUnitDescriptionthe serving size unitstring

"fat" "saturatedFat" "monoUnsaturatedFat" "polyUnsaturatedFat" "transFat" "carbohydrates" "sugar" "addedSugar" "fiber" "starch" "polyols" "protein" "cholesterol" "sodium" "salt" "calcium" "chloride" "fluoride" "magnesium" "potassium" "vitaminC"
The unit of the values is gram. All values listed explained in this section here in more detail.integer
calorieskcal / Calsinteger
caloriesRangeHighWhere a range of calories applies to a variable option e.g. a 'Sandwich Deal' where selections are required.

To apply this, the format would be;
• Minimum =calories
• Maximum =caloriesRangeHigh
packaging.reusableWhether packaging is reusableboolean
packaging.storageInstructionsHow to store an itemstring
supplementalInfo.instructionsForUseInstructions for the use e.g. "Cool before drink."
See section here for more information.
supplementalInfo.ingredientse.g. "Water"array of strings
supplementalInfo.fbo.nameFood business operator namestring
supplementalInfo.fbo.addressFood business operator addressstring
supplementalInfo.fbo.brandFood business operator brand namestring
supplementalInfo.fbo.countryOfOriginFood business operator country of originstring
supplementalInfo.legalNameThe legal name of the productstring
supplementalInfo.additivese.g. ["Artificial Food Coloring", "PRESERVATIVES_NITRATE"]array of enums as strings
supplementalInfo.prepackagedIndicates if the item is prepackaged. boolean
supplementalInfo.depositValue of the deposit if applicable.integer
productTagse.g.108 = mustard (see guide here)array of integer
bottleDepositPriceCertain regions require deposits to apply for purchases of bottled drinks (see guide here)integer
categories * Name for the category.string
categories.posCategoryId * Id assigned for the category.string
categories.imageUrlImage for the categorystring
priceLevelsSee section here for more information. This is mandatory when using Price Levels, otherwise, the Price Level will not work.array of objects
priceLevels.nameName for the priceLevelstring
priceLevels.posIdId for the priceLevel.
Value used inside the array products.priceLevels