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Combination of Max and MultiMax on modifiergroups

If Max and MultiMax on a modifyergroup are not identical, how should this be interpreted? Example: If we have a modifiergroup "Pizza toppings" with the following modifiers: - Bacon - Pepperone - Chilli - Garlic - Extra cheese ..and it has a Max-value of 2 and a MultiMax-value of 4. Does this mean that I can select 2x Bacon and 2x Garlic (at max two of each and four in total), but not 1x Bacon, 1x Pepperoni and 2x Extra cheese (because this would be 3 modifiers with the max-value being 2)?

Sample JSON file for Menu push

When pushing the menu to deliverect there are two ways. First one creating from scratch second on uploading a JSON file. I couldn't find the structure of JSON. Can you please give me that?


The api Is meant to give channels for a specific location , however you don't give it the location. I have a situation where different locations use different channels ... I am missing something ?

Failed order response

Would you please provide me the failed status get on create order API response?

Order Statuses

Hey! Wanted to confirm the following Order status flow for a system. Please validate if there might be any issues. Order Received from Deliverect -> ACCEPTED -> PREPARING -> PREPARED -> READY FOR PICKUP -> IN-DELIVERY -> FINALIZED(After this status, the system doesn't make any changes to the order, hence it is closed).

Get receipt

I see the POS certification form we have received refer to get receipt, but I can not see this documented in the API. I presume this must be a webhook for our system? Also, I see the order webhook no longer refers to a return value (earlier we were supposed to return an orderId). How can this work?

How to get the API agreement with Deliverect

Hello, I can't find the contact form or an email address to get in touch with the API team

Purpose of the register webhook

I understand that the register POS webhook is supposed to return urls to the other endpoints, but is that the only purpose? Is there any action that needs to be taken on our side, such as doing something with the provided accountId and locationId? What are these provided for? In production, when will the register web hook be called? Every time a restaurant location is set up for use with our POS? Will the actual user have to enter the URL of our register webhook, or will this be integrated somehow based on selecting our POS name?

What's the difference between Generic channel and integration channel link ?

I've doubts about the difference between generic channel and integration channel links. I'm confused about how can I find the channel name exactly. I tried ``` 1. Generic channel name 2. Outside of channel name with Id 3. Integration name as well ``` If you give where I can find the exact channel name that would be nice.

the docs for snoozing/unsnoozing items do not match reality

There is property named "allSnoozedItems" that, according to the examples in the docs, is supposed to be in the request body at the following path "operations[].data.allSnoozedItems", but when testing I receive it at a slightly different path "operations[].allSnoozedItems". Besides this, when snoozing, "allSnoozedItems" includes the currently snoozed items not once, but twice. Lastly, when unsnoozing, "allSnoozedItems" includes all the items the should be snoozed, not the all the items that should be unsnoozed, despite the documentation saying that it should be the list of all the items that should be unsnoozed. So I'm quite confused about what should I expect for this webhook and what should I return.