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Delivery chano

I’m Co-Owner of AllStar Deliveries out of the Bay Area, we’re an upstart, 6 drivers, however we don’t have a direct order line with the Restaurants, still going through Doordash, etc, can you help us get our own orders?

How to get webhookUrl, I have test client_id?

I have test client_id, but I am little bit confuse how to create webhookUrl ? Thanks

Retrive all orders

Hi we are not a POS system and are interested in retrieving all orders from the previous day. Is there a way to call the api an retrieve all orders in a date range Thanks

Menu managment

hello, I need to ask about duplicate products and modifiers with the same (PosProductId, name). but different (_id, Plu ). Are they same product/Modifier? or add them as 2 separate items? Thankyou

Provide JSON structure for webhook get products

Hello, can you provide more details on how the webhook **get products** from a POS should returns? I couldn't find anything related to that in Thank you.

Request Deliverect to pass Channel name on order to accomodate everyone who integrated POS with

Hello Deliverect team, According to the certified doc, Channel is required to display on screen or print out on receipt, to accommodate everyone who integrated POS with, may I request Deliverect to pass Channel name on order? Although u provided Integrated Channel, I haven't seen any reason why we need to get Channel name every time when parsed order, to ensure we have got the updated Channel name. Please consideration the request. Thank you and Best Regards, Koy..

Payment Status/Details from Deliverect

How do I get the payment details for a particular order from Channel/Deliverect Platform to my POS System? No such API is provided at Kindly help on the same.

Create account

Hey, How to create account for use API integration ? if it is paying how much and how to pay

more than one branch for one restaurant

I need to add more than one branch for the same restaurant !? Note: all branches uses the same menu


Hello, I want to know that is there any way on dashboard to get the menu Id on the Deliverect Dashboard. Right now I am getting the menu from the Menu Push Web hook. Is there anyway I can get the menu Id from Deliverect Dashboard.