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I been reaching you guys my account is lock

Opening Hours format

Hi When updating opening hours for a location, should the opening and closing times be in local time (for that location) or in UTC (that gets converted to local time)? / Andreas

Tets account

How can we start the channel integration? Can we get a test account?

can modifiers have multiple sizes/prices?

pretty much the title haha

Order status 2

We no longer receive order status updates with status 2 since friday. Has anything changed regarding the order status webhook?

Register POS with Deliverect

hi i am registering my pos with this example <> after putting my pos url in Register POS URL field ,then click the submitt button shows the error like "Failed to register POS: The request made to the the POS Registration URL returned an invalid HTTP status code: 400"

how to refund payment through by payment link

how can i refund payment link payment

Auto-accepted orders

After we receive the order through the Order Notification Webhhook, if our system turns on automatic confirmation, it will execute the <{orderId}> API to modify the order to the ACCEPTED status, but at the same time the order will Change the status to Received by POS through the Order Notification Webhhook. How should we handle this situation? We hope that after our system turns on automatic order confirmation, the status of the order becomes ACCEPTED instead of Received by POS.

why Create Delivery Job return No valid offers available


Lightspeed integration: Order stacking

Hi, I have a question about using the deliverect integration with Lightspeed for Qr-code table ordering. With our direct integration with Lightspeed (for L-Series), we can create receipts that haven't been paid yet. these receipts are then stacked on the table and can easily be combined into 1 receipt in the payment view of the LS-L app, when the customer wants to pay. However, when using Deliverect to send these types of orders to Lightspeed from our app, the orders don't get stacked (linked to each other) and the users can't easily combine them. Do we need to add something to our integration to make this work? Or can you advance what needs to be done? Thanks in advance.