Partner Webhooks

REGISTER CHANNEL 🔗 POSTAny channel integrator will provide a standardised registration URL to facilitate customer onboarding/offboarding.
MENU SYNC 🔗 POSTCustomers will publish their menu to a provided webhook URL. This delivers JSON containing all the necessary attributes to display their menu as intended.
SNOOZE/UNSNOOZE PRODUCTS 🔗 POSTWhen items are out of stock or temporarily unavailable, a 'snooze' event will be sent to instruct channels to make the items unavailable. Similarly, when back in stock/available, an 'unsnooze' event will be sent.
BUSY MODE 🔗 POSTWhen a store is paused a webhook event will be sent to ensure no further orders can be received. When re-opened an event will be sent for to set the store back online.
COURIER STATUS UPDATE 🔗 POSTCourier-related updates can be sent to update on new information about the courier journey as soon whenever a change applies
ORDER STATUS UPDATE 🔗 POSTWhenever a POS updates the status of an order, a webhook event is sent
PREPARATION TIME UPDATE 🔗 POSTA webhook will be sent to indicate a preparation time update for an order has been applied.