Menu Update Callback (Async)

The Menu Async flow is designed for integrating partners to notify Deliverect whenever a published menu is fully processed and updated in an asynchronous manner

Callback URL

For channels enabled with an async flow, a "callback" endpoint is included in the menu payload as below.

Channel partners should POST to this endpoint with a status to confirm success "ONLINE" or in any case where unsuccessful, send "FAILED"

This gives customers full visibility on menu publish events and their success, particularly where bulk operations across multiple locations are actioned.

"callback": "{channelName}/menuStatus/649ea********b9a98d"

Path Parameters

channelNameRepresents the case-sensitive Scope provided. If a channelname used is invalid the request is considered unauthorised.string
_idThis id shown in the callback url is a unique identifier of the menu publish requeststring

Body Parameters (Fields marked with ( * )are required.

status * status of the menu operationstring
commentany comment (optional)string

List of Status Values:

ONLINEIt signifies that the menu is now successfully published and available to users. No additional information is required in the request body for this status.
FAILEDIt indicates that the operation has failed. Partners should include relevant error details or error codes in the request body to assist in troubleshooting.

Response Time

Please ensure that the menu is published successfully within a maximum of 30 minutes. If the process exceeds this time limit, Deliverect will classify the operation as "Failed"

Stores (multiple channel IDs)

Currently we support menu publishing for one store/channelLinkId. In the payload you will find "stores" array where in the future you may receive more channelLinkIds.

 "stores": [

Synchronous vs Asynchronous

Partners using an asynchronous flow should note the differences with the synchronous flow in the JSON example below, which are summarised as follows;

  • Asynchronous: Has "menus" , "stores" and "callback" as keys within a "body"
  • Synchronous: Shows an array of properties e.g. "availabilities", "categories", "modifierGroups" etc.

ℹ️ For an asynchronous flow, all references within "menus" follow Menu Update documentation

    "body": {
        "menus": [
                "availabilities": [],
                "modifierGroups": {},
                "categories": []
                // ... other properties
        "stores": [
        "callback": "{channelName}/menuStatus/64*******************2d"
        "availabilities": [],
        "modifierGroups": {},
        "categories": [],
        // ... other properties
"body": {
    "menus": [
            "availabilities": [
                    "dayOfWeek": 1,
                    "endTime": "17:00",
                    "startTime": "10:00"
                    "dayOfWeek": 2,
                    "endTime": "10:00",
                    "startTime": "09:00"
                    "dayOfWeek": 2,
                    "endTime": "12:00",
                    "startTime": "11:00"
            "bundles": {},
            "categories": [
                    "_id": "6464**********6dd6010",
                    "name": "test",
                    "description": "",
                    "descriptionTranslations": {},
                    "nameTranslations": {},
                    "account": "61c3**********dd0306de1",
                    "posLocationId": "",
                    "posCategoryType": "",
                    "posCategoryId": "",
                    "imageUrl": "",
                    "subCategories": [],
                    "products": [
                    "availabilities": [],
                    "level": 1,
                    "menu": "6464**********f80406",
                    "sortedChannelProductIds": [],
                    "subProducts": [
                    "subProductSortOrder": []
            "channelLinkId": "649ad021949cfa36470f9ea9",
            "currency": 1,
            "description": "",
            "descriptionTranslations": {},
            "menu": "test",
            "menuId": "64648bd2a28d59a83ff80406",
            "menuType": 1,
            "modifierGroups": {
                "64776b3879e36bee40db37b0": {
                    "_id": "64776b3879e36bee40db37b0",
                    "name": "Cooking instructions",
                    "description": "Cooking Instructions",
                    "descriptionTranslations": {
                        "ar": "تعليمات الطبخ"
                    "nameTranslations": {
                        "en": "Cooking Instructions",
                        "ar": "تعليمات الطبخ"
                    "account": "61c3070ae41eefadd0306de1",
                    "capacityUsages": [],
                    "deliveryTax": 6000,
                    "imageUrl": "",
                    "location": "61c30761e41eefadd03072af",
                    "max": 1,
                    "min": 1,
                    "multiply": 1,
                    "plu": "MOD-01",
                    "posCategoryIds": [
                    "posProductCategoryId": "",
                    "posProductId": "POS-ID-009",
                    "price": 900,
                    "productTags": [],
                    "productType": 3,
                    "subProducts": [
                    "takeawayTax": 6000,
                    "parentId": "64776b3879e36bee40db37ae",
                    "snoozed": false,
                    "subProductSortOrder": []
                "64776b3879e36bee40db37b2": {
                    "_id": "64776b3879e36bee40db37b2",
                    "name": "Add a side",
                    "description": "Pizza made for cheese fanatics",
                    "descriptionTranslations": {},
                    "nameTranslations": {
                        "en": "Choose a side",
                        "ar": "اختر طبقك الجانبي"
                    "account": "61c3070ae41eefadd0306de1",
                    "capacityUsages": [],
                    "deliveryTax": 6000,
                    "imageUrl": "",
                    "location": "61c30761e41eefadd03072af",
                    "max": 0,
                    "min": 0,
                    "multiMax": 3,
                    "multiply": 1,
                    "plu": "MOD-02",
                    "posCategoryIds": [
                    "posProductCategoryId": "",
                    "posProductId": "POS-ID-014",
                    "price": 900,
                    "productTags": [],
                    "productType": 3,
                    "subProducts": [
                    "takeawayTax": 6000,
                    "parentId": "64776b3879e36bee40db37ae",
                    "snoozed": false,
                    "subProductSortOrder": []
            "modifiers": {
                "64776b3879e36bee40db37ba": {
                    "_id": "64776b3879e36bee40db37ba",
                    "name": "Rare",
                    "description": "",
                    "descriptionTranslations": {},
                    "nameTranslations": {
                        "en": "Rare",
                        "ar": "غير ناضج جيدا"
                    "account": "61c3070ae41eefadd0306de1",
                    "capacityUsages": [],
                    "deliveryTax": 9000,
                    "imageUrl": "",
                    "location": "61c30761e41eefadd03072af",
                    "max": 0,
                    "min": 0,
                    "multiply": 1,
                    "plu": "COOK-01",
                    "posCategoryIds": [
                    "posProductCategoryId": "",
                    "posProductId": "POS-ID-003",
                    "price": 0,
                    "productTags": [],
                    "productType": 2,
                    "subProducts": [],
                    "takeawayTax": 9000,
                    "parentId": "64776b3879e36bee40db37b0",
                    "snoozed": false,
                    "subProductSortOrder": []
                "64776b3879e36bee40db37bc": {
                    "_id": "64776b3879e36bee40db37bc",
                    "name": "Medium Rare",
                    "description": "",
                    "descriptionTranslations": {},
                    "nameTranslations": {
                        "en": "Medium Rare",
                        "ar": "مُتَوَسِّط النُضْجِ"
                    "account": "61c3070ae41eefadd0306de1",
                    "capacityUsages": [],
                    "deliveryTax": 9000,
                    "imageUrl": "",
                    "location": "61c30761e41eefadd03072af",
                    "max": 0,
                    "min": 0,
                    "multiply": 1,
                    "plu": "COOK-02",
                    "posCategoryIds": [
                    "posProductCategoryId": "",
                    "posProductId": "POS-ID-004",
                    "price": 0,
                    "productTags": [],
                    "productType": 2,
                    "subProducts": [],
                    "takeawayTax": 9000,
                    "parentId": "64776b3879e36bee40db37b0",
                    "snoozed": false,
                    "subProductSortOrder": []
                "64776b3879e36bee40db37be": {
                    "_id": "64776b3879e36bee40db37be",
                    "name": "Well Done",
                    "description": "",
                    "descriptionTranslations": {},
                    "nameTranslations": {
                        "en": "Well done",
                        "ar": "مطبوخ جيدا"
                    "account": "61c3070ae41eefadd0306de1",
                    "capacityUsages": [],
                    "deliveryTax": 9000,
                    "imageUrl": "",
                    "location": "61c30761e41eefadd03072af",
                    "max": 0,
                    "min": 0,
                    "multiply": 1,
                    "plu": "COOK-03",
                    "posCategoryIds": [
                    "posProductCategoryId": "",
                    "posProductId": "POS-ID-005",
                    "price": 0,
                    "productTags": [],
                    "productType": 2,
                    "subProducts": [],
                    "takeawayTax": 9000,
                    "parentId": "64776b3879e36bee40db37b0",
                    "snoozed": false,
                    "subProductSortOrder": []
                "64776b3879e36bee40db37c0": {
                    "_id": "64776b3879e36bee40db37c0",
                    "name": "Fries",
                    "description": "Fries",
                    "descriptionTranslations": {
                        "ar": "بطاطس مقلية"
                    "nameTranslations": {
                        "en": "Fries",
                        "ar": "بطاطس مقلية"
                    "account": "61c3070ae41eefadd0306de1",
                    "capacityUsages": [],
                    "defaultQuantity": 1,
                    "deliveryTax": 9000,
                    "eatInTax": 9000,
                    "imageUrl": "",
                    "location": "61c30761e41eefadd03072af",
                    "max": 0,
                    "min": 0,
                    "multiply": 1,
                    "plu": "SI-01",
                    "posCategoryIds": [
                    "posProductCategoryId": "",
                    "posProductId": "POS-ID-012",
                    "price": 0,
                    "productTags": [],
                    "productType": 2,
                    "subProducts": [],
                    "takeawayTax": 9000,
                    "parentId": "64776b3879e36bee40db37b2",
                    "snoozed": false,
                    "subProductSortOrder": []
                "64776b3879e36bee40db37c2": {
                    "_id": "64776b3879e36bee40db37c2",
                    "name": "Salad",
                    "description": "Salad",
                    "descriptionTranslations": {
                        "ar": "سلطة"
                    "nameTranslations": {
                        "en": "Salad",
                        "ar": "سلطة"
                    "account": "61c3070ae41eefadd0306de1",
                    "capacityUsages": [],
                    "deliveryTax": 9000,
                    "eatInTax": 9000,
                    "imageUrl": "",
                    "location": "61c30761e41eefadd03072af",
                    "max": 0,
                    "min": 0,
                    "multiply": 1,
                    "plu": "SI-02",
                    "posCategoryIds": [
                    "posProductCategoryId": "",
                    "posProductId": "POS-ID-013",
                    "price": 200,
                    "productTags": [],
                    "productType": 2,
                    "subProducts": [],
                    "takeawayTax": 9000,
                    "parentId": "64776b3879e36bee40db37b2",
                    "snoozed": false,
                    "subProductSortOrder": []
                "64776b3879e36bee40db37c4": {
                    "_id": "64776b3879e36bee40db37c4",
                    "name": "Mashed Potato",
                    "description": "Mashed Potato",
                    "descriptionTranslations": {
                        "ar": "البطاطا المهروسة"
                    "nameTranslations": {
                        "en": "Mashed Potato",
                        "ar": "البطاطا المهروسة"
                    "account": "61c3070ae41eefadd0306de1",
                    "capacityUsages": [],
                    "deliveryTax": 9000,
                    "eatInTax": 9000,
                    "imageUrl": "",
                    "location": "61c30761e41eefadd03072af",
                    "max": 0,
                    "min": 0,
                    "multiply": 1,
                    "plu": "SI-03",
                    "posCategoryIds": [
                    "posProductCategoryId": "",
                    "posProductId": "POS-ID-014",
                    "price": 100,
                    "productTags": [],
                    "productType": 2,
                    "subProducts": [],
                    "takeawayTax": 9000,
                    "parentId": "64776b3879e36bee40db37b2",
                    "snoozed": false,
                    "subProductSortOrder": []
            "menuTranslations": {},
            "nestedModifiers": false,
            "products": {
                "649eab653d940e56cdb4a92c": {
                    "_id": "649eab653d940e56cdb4a92c",
                    "name": "Delicious Steak Frites",
                    "description": "Delicious Steak Frites",
                    "descriptionTranslations": {
                        "ar": "شريحة لحم فريتس"
                    "nameTranslations": {
                        "en": "Delicious Steak Frites",
                        "ar": "شريحة لحم فريتس"
                    "account": "61c3070ae41eefadd0306de1",
                    "capacityUsages": [],
                    "deliveryTax": 9000,
                    "eatInTax": 9000,
                    "imageUrl": "",
                    "location": "61c30761e41eefadd03072af",
                    "max": 0,
                    "min": 0,
                    "multiMax": 1,
                    "multiply": 1,
                    "plu": "STK-01",
                    "posCategoryIds": [
                    "posProductCategoryId": "",
                    "posProductId": "POS-ID-001",
                    "price": 1500,
                    "productTags": [
                    "productType": 1,
                    "subProducts": [
                    "takeawayTax": 9000,
                    "supplementalInfo": {
                        "instructionsForUse": "Cool before drink.",
                        "ingredients": [
                        "additives": [
                            "Artificial Food Coluring",
                            "Sodium Nitrite",
                        "prepackaged": true,
                        "deposit": 0
                    "parentId": "64648bd97ab06a6436dd6010",
                    "snoozed": false,
                    "subProductSortOrder": [],
                    "referenceId": "STK-01"
            "productTags": [
            "snoozedProducts": {},
            "validations": []
    "stores": [
    "callback": "{channelName}/menuStatus/649e**********b4a92d"

Existing Partners developing support can reuse 100% of their code as follows:

if isinstance(payload, Object):  
async process_menu_and_send_callback(payload["menus"], payload["callback"])  
return OK  
else: # payload is a list  
return OK

This should be implemented in a backwards compatible way as shown above.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!