Update Store Status (open/closed)

This directly corresponds to the Deliverect function named 'Busy Mode'

For any number of reasons, your platform may close one of your customer's stores e.g. after too many failed orders. When doing so, it is possible to send the new status of the store to Deliverect via a channel status update.

For the payload, we always expect a JSON that contains:

  • status: status for the channel. Expeсted values would be open or closed.
  • reason: reason of the status changes.


Including proper 'Scope'

Deliverect will check if the party sending the update has the correct scope to be able to. If not, they are considered unauthorized. The scope for generic channels is communicated to integrating parties and is checked in the request target URL only. Therefore, make sure this URL correctly contains the scope.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!