Create/Update Opening Hours

This endpoint allows opening hours to be set for all channels within a given location. It is also possible to specify unique opening hours per channel(s) within a location. This endpoint can also support setting a combination of both location and channel specific opening hours within a single request (see examples on the right hand side).

An additional attribute triggerUpdate where equal to true will trigger a re-publishing of all existing menus. This will in turn update the opening times on each associated merchant store. If updating the opening hours where no action to publish updates is intended, triggerUpdate should be set as false


Availability when dates are not mentioned

If you don't include certain days in the request, this means that the online menu for these days will not be available for ordering in the online channels. Should you wish to have availability for all days of the week, you need to include all days in the request.

For a single entry, the fields are dayOfWeek, startTime, and endTime. An explanation of their use is in the table below.

dayOfWeekAn integer value that indicates the day of the week for this availability (starting at 1 for Monday).
startTimeA 24-hour HH:MM format notation of the start time of an availability expressed in the local time of the location
endTimeA 24-hour HH:MM format notation of the end time of an availability expressed in the local time of the location
triggerUpdateset True or False to initiate a menu push on all locations/channels.


Times ranges provided need to be within same 24hr period

When submitting opening hours for a location, any time range entered can only be within the same day. Adding opening hours for a location which extend beyond midnight can be seen in the example below

Opening times past midnight

Below is an example of opening times which extend beyond midnight. In this case, the store opens 10am until 2am. Note that two time ranges per day need applied to support this, where the "startTime": "00:00" > "endTime": "02:00" is accounting for opening times from the previous day running past midnight.

 "openingHours": [
            "dayOfWeek": 1,
            "startTime": "00:00",
            "endTime": "02:00"
            "dayOfWeek": 1,
            "startTime": "10:00",
            "endTime": "23:59"
            "dayOfWeek": 2,
            "startTime": "00:00",
            "endTime": "02:00"
            "dayOfWeek": 2,
            "startTime": "10:00",
            "endTime": "23:59"
            "dayOfWeek": 3,
            "startTime": "00:00",
            "endTime": "02:00"
            "dayOfWeek": 3,
            "startTime": "10:00",
            "endTime": "23:59"
            "dayOfWeek": 4,
            "startTime": "00:00",
            "endTime": "02:00"
            "dayOfWeek": 4,
            "startTime": "10:00",
            "endTime": "23:59"
            "dayOfWeek": 5,
            "startTime": "00:00",
            "endTime": "02:00"
            "dayOfWeek": 5,
            "startTime": "10:00",
            "endTime": "23:59"
            "dayOfWeek": 6,
            "startTime": "00:00",
            "endTime": "02:00"
            "dayOfWeek": 6,
            "startTime": "10:00",
            "endTime": "23:59"
            "dayOfWeek": 7,
            "startTime": "00:00",
            "endTime": "02:00"
            "dayOfWeek": 7,
            "startTime": "10:00",
            "endTime": "23:59"

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!