Update Preparation Time of an Order


You can modify the preparation of an order before or after acceptance.

Before acceptance

How to update the preparation time of an order before accepting it.

Step 1. Place the order from your application.

Step 2. Once you receive the order in your Delivery Manager App, you can increase the time of order preparation up to 30 mins before accepting the order.

You will receive the payload on your Preparation time update webhook.

"channelOrderId": "TEST1",
"orderId": "64b61edcdb7bfd9994cb9366",
"location": "62f4ce50310a88a92ff6a364",
"status": "6"
"pickupTime": "2023-07-18T05:27:04.131438Z"

After acceptance

Step 1. Place the order from your application.

Step 2. After accepting the order in your Delivery Manager App you can change the preparation time by tapping on Change Pickup Time.

Step 3. You can choose how many minutes you need to delay the pickup time.

You will receive the payload on your Preparation time update webhook.

"channelOrderId": "TEST1",
"orderId": "64b61edcdb7bfd9994cb9366",
"location": "62f4ce50310a88a92ff6a364",
"status": "20"
"pickupTime": "2023-07-18T05:55:30.015034Z"