Become an integration partner
Become a partner to gain access to our APIs. You can then begin developing your store integration.
Build a store integration
Follow these steps to start using the Store API:
Step 1. Call the Get Access Token endpoint to retrieve a token granting you access to our endpoints.
Step 2. Retrieve the customer accounts linked to your partner account with the Get Linked Accounts endpoint
Step 3. Use the Get Locations endpoint to retrieve all locations for your customer account.
Available endpoints
The following endpoints are available for the Store API.
Endpoint | Method | Purpose |
Get Locations | GET | Retrieve the locations of an account |
Get Products for Account | GET | Retrieve the products inside an account |
Get Products Marked out of Stock | GET | Retrieve every product currently marked out of stock for an account |
Mark Products out of stock by tag | POST | Use one or multiple tags to set products out of stock and prevent them from being ordered |
Mark Products out of stock by PLU | POST | Use one or multiple PLUs to set products out of stock and prevent them from being ordered |
Update Store Status | POST | Update the busy mode status of one or multiple stores |
Get Store Opening Hours | GET | Retrieve the current opening hours of a given location |
Get Account Opening Hours | GET | Retrieve the current opening hours of all locations in an account |
Create/Update Opening Hours | POST | Create or update the opening hours of one or multiple locations of an account |
POST Holiday Hours for Locations | POST | Set the holiday hours for one or multiple locations of an account |
GET Holiday Hours for Locations | GET | Retrieve the holiday hours of a specified location |
GET Holiday Hours for Locations & ChannelLinks | GET | Retrieve the holiday hours of one or multiple channel links for a location |
POST Holiday Hours for Locations and ChannelLinks | POST | Create or update the holiday hours of one or multiple channel links for a location |
Updated 7 months ago